
Website offers hassle-free rakhi delivery

Raksha Bandhan, the Indian festival that celebrates, reinforces and strengthens the sacred bond between a brother and a sister, is an occasion most awaited...

Choosing the alternative

Wikileaks Party candidate Binoy Kampmark on why he took the leap from writing to politics Binoy Kampmark was on the path to a career in...

In the Rudd direction

Cleantech Business Sector president Manoj Kumar talks about his plans for fighting the elections Manoj Kumar, president of Cleantech Business Sector at AIBC-Victoria, is all...

D’s the key

New study finds link between low Vitamin D levels and increased blood pressure A new study has revealed that a deficiency of Vitamin D adversely...

‘Is PNG a viable option for asylum seekers?’

Shveata Chandel Singh talks to members of the Indian community Under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's dramatic and ‘hard-line’ new Refugee laws, it appears that no...

Aam Aadmi Party-Victoria State Convention held in Melbourne

Aam Aadmi party held its first state convention for Victoria on 4 August at North Melbourne. The event was well attended by patriotic Indians...

A chance to celebrate, to give

INDAUS Fair on 11 August to raise funds for victims of Uttarakhand flash-floods As part of the Indian Independence Day celebrations in Sydney, the Indian...

‘The Other Way’ showcases conflicts of multicultural society

Emotions, tragedy, drama, music … all that makes a play complete is encapsulated in ‘The Other Way’, an Australian play about four Western Sydney...

Culture embrace

Reviewer turned playwright and theatre artist Carol Dance speaks to Shveata Chandel Singh about her new production Indian Embrace, which opens at Riverside Theatre...

Leverage Brand Australia

A basket of opportunities are being opened up across the Asian region. However, Australia faces intense global competition for Asia’s markets. If we...