ChatGPT: Implications for parents and students

By Mohan Dhall
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Parents have an important role to play in respect of ChatGPT and other online AI tools. When new forms of technology are developed, parents should not rely only on the school to assist in the management of issues that arise with respect to those technologies.

The uptake and broad use of new technologies requires parents to be actively interested in what the technologies are, how they function, what their limitations are, how they can be useful, and where there can be challenges that need to be mitigated. This has already been seen with the use of technologies such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and more recently and disconcertingly with chat apps such as SnapChat and Discord.

Many parents might be surprised that online tools can be freely accessed to give instant line-by-line fully worked solutions to complex mathematical problems. One such tool is QuickMath. Another better known example is in the services offered by Chegg—a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This is already affecting education and schooling.

Additionally, the use of apps such as Realme have been seen to disrupt a child’s concentration during class time hampering opportunities to learn. Whilst schools must accommodate and manage these issues and the impact on children’s education there, parents have an even more important role in assisting their children with technologies.

There is no need to be overly worried about the development of ChatGPT. Just as the development of word processing has not stopped writing skills, so too the development of education-focused AI tools should not hamper a capacity to thinking critically if they are well-managed.

There are several things’ parents need to do to help their children manage the use of ChatGPT. All of them are based around the need to ‘work with and not against.’

➝ Use it and experiment yourself

Parents should use the ChatGPT app to understand how it functions. They can do this by typing into the prompt bar different types of questions. Parents can then see in real time how this AI tool operates in answering questions. This step is important in parents seeing the ChatGPT working, and how quickly it responds to requests.

➝ Refining questions can take effort

Experimentation with ChatGPT will quickly show that this AI tool cannot answer every question that is posed. One of the first skills that will need to be learned is how to refine and iterate different types of inquiry. Parents can use this knowledge to sit with their children and show them how there is a process to follow when learning how to inquire.

➝ Using it as a verification tool rather than a primary source

Parents can encourage their children to use ChatGPT as a secondary source rather than a primary source. In this way, when students are doing assessments, other creative tasks, or seeking to find out information, they should attempt these things without the use of this tool. Once an authentic attempt has been made then ChatGPT might be a useful tool against which they can assess their efforts. One of the benefits of using ChatGPT this way is it will enable children to learn about the limitations of the app.

➝ Expect students to experiment and misuse it

School students love to experiment and often do things that parents, and their teachers don’t anticipate. For this reason, adults should expect children to try things with the ChatGPT app that they didn’t expect. Young people may ask questions of a sexual nature to share answers with friends that they might find funny. They might ask questions about how to perform illegal acts and get away with them or even if particular activities or behaviours are illegal. Alternatively, students at risk due to mental health issues or disorders might ask questions or seek advice, relying on answers that could be detrimental to their wellbeing. This aspect should be of particular concern. It is therefore crucial for parents and educators to understand how ChatGPT will be used by a variety of children with a range of needs.

➝ Remember it is artificial intelligence

ChatGPT is an AI tool. it is wise for all adults to always keep this in mind. AI stands for artificial intelligence. What is in evidence with the app is simply an application of rules to information. Parents and educators would do well to put aside any feelings of wonder and treat ChatGPT as they would any other tool. None of us looks in wonder at a wheelbarrow, an umbrella, or our shoelaces. We utilise these tools with a purpose and for a purpose. ChatGPT is no different. It is a tool that can be used, and it is a tool that can be misused.

AI is unable to integrate or feel emotion. The people using ChatGPT are real. Our young people using ChatGPT need to be taught how to not vest in it anything more than an understanding that it is a tool. This can be done if the use of chat GPT is carefully managed and if we always look to critique it for its effectiveness as well as its limitations.

Mohan is a university lecturer in education, CEO of the Australian Tutoring Association and the Global Professional Tutors Association

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