Cutting edge tech to create real-time solutions to everyday problems

By Our Reporter

Wyndham’s draft smart city strategy released

Traffic lights that can regulate traffic flow in response to real-time demand and using sensors to predict when drains need maintaining could be on the cards for Wyndham under a new plan to transform the municipality into a leading smart city.

The Draft Smart City Strategy aims to put Wyndham City on the map as a global smart city leader that adapts the latest technology to create real-time solutions to everyday problems.

Under the draft strategy, technology can be used to modernise local services such as traffic and parking, public safety, lighting, libraries, the recycling and reuse of waste, and increasing the quality of online services provided by Council.

Wyndham City consulted with more than 800 residents and stakeholders to find out what was most important to the community, with improving transport and congestion; improving the amenity of council facilities; using CCTV across popular public spaces; and fixing internet speed and connection issues identified among the priorities.

Wyndham City Smart City portfolio holder, Cr Aaron An, encouraged Wyndham residents, business owners, employees and visitors to have their say on the draft strategy, which is currently out for public consultation.

“The draft strategy is part of Council’s vision for Wyndham to become a connected, digital city through cutting-edge technology, partnerships and data-driven decision making over the next five years,” Cr An said. “The Smart City Strategy outlines how technology, data and innovation will be used to address our urban challenges and shape how our citizens, visitors and businesses work, play and live.”

Wyndham has already gained a reputation for its work in the smart city arena, winning the National Award for Local Government in 2017—the highest honour in the sector.

Last year, Council also secured Smart Cities and Suburbs Grant Funding, becoming one of only three Councils across Australia to successfully bid in both rounds.

To read the draft strategy and provide feedback, visit:


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