New migrants face high hurdle: Aussie property prices soar

By Our Reporter

Skyrocketing property prices and soaring rents have emerged as the primary concerns for Australians when considering the challenges faced by newcomers to the country. A recent survey reveals that over 80% of Australians view the housing and rental crises as major deterrents for immigrants, highlighting a growing unease about affordability and living conditions in Australia.

This sentiment is particularly strong in South Australia and Queensland, where 89% and 85% of the population, respectively, identify the housing crisis as a significant issue for newcomers. These states have witnessed record-high growth in property prices, with Adelaide experiencing a 60% increase in house medians from September 2019 to September 2023, the highest among Australian capitals. Brisbane has similarly seen a sharp rise in housing costs, with house medians reaching new highs and rents climbing steeply.

The independent survey, conducted by Immigration to Australia, an immigration assistance and advice platform, gathered responses from a nationally representative panel of 1012 Australians. It aimed to assess the perceptions of Australians on the best and worst aspects of life in Australia for new arrivals. This inquiry is timely, considering the recent surge in international immigration, which saw a 73% increase in migrant arrivals in the 2022-23 financial year.

While the property and rent crisis dominates concerns, the cost of living is another significant worry, particularly for those aged 35-54. About 73% of respondents voted the high cost of living as a national pitfall, with middle-aged Australians and those with dependents feeling the pinch the most.

The survey also explored generational differences in concerns. For over-55s, the housing and rental crisis is the top concern, while for Gen X and Millennials, the cost of living takes precedence. Younger Australians, aged 18-34, also express concerns about Australia lagging in innovation and product availability compared to other countries.

Interestingly, location isolation and the distance from Europe and the US were more worrying for older Australians. Over-55s find the distance between destinations within Australia and the country’s isolated location as top negatives, a sentiment less shared by younger generations.

Despite these concerns, the survey also highlighted positive aspects of living in Australia. The high-quality healthcare system, the freshness and quality of Australian food, and the weather were top attractions for newcomers across all ages and states. Western Australians particularly appreciate the climate, while over-55s value the friendly people and laidback culture. Younger Australians, in contrast, place higher importance on the nation’s safety and low crime rate.

Alon Rajic, Founder and Managing Director of Immigration to Australia, emphasises the impact of these findings. “These results not only reveal the biggest perceived challenges for newcomers but also reflect the concerns of Australians across different states and age groups. The rapid increase in property prices is notably affecting South Australians and Queenslanders. However, our survey also sheds light on what we cherish about Australia, like our weather, healthcare, and food quality.”

The findings from this survey provide a nuanced understanding of the Australian perspective on immigration and the challenges and attractions it presents for newcomers. They underscore the need for addressing the housing crisis and cost of living issues while celebrating the aspects that make Australia a desirable destination for immigrants. The complete survey results are available for viewing at the Immigration to Australia website.

Read the full report here

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