JAKARTA, Indonesia, Feb. 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX:BBRI) announced the success of closing 2021 with a profit of Rp.32.22 trillion or grew by 75,53% year on year (yoy) in Q4 2021. The main driver for BRI’s profit growth lies in credit performance and the collection of Third Party Funds (DPK), a significant decrease in interest costs, and its portfolio mix and asset quality management.
“BRI’s profit achievement of Rp.32.22 trillion proves that the company consistently creates economic value for all stakeholders in the midst of today’s challenging conditions,” said BRI President Director Surnarso.
Until the end of December 2021, BRI lending (bank only) was recorded to have grown by 7.16% yoy, compared to 2021 which was 5.24%.
The positive growth was mainly due to BRI’s focus on the MSMEs; the micro segment grew 12.98% yoy , the consumer segment grew 3.97% yoy, and the SME segment grew 3.55%.
The quality of BRI’s loans is reflected in the ratio of Non-Performing Loans (NPL) maintained at the level of 3.08% with a very adequate NPL Coverage of 278.14%.
At the same time, Bank BRI has recorded a positive performance collecting Third Party Funds (DPK) that grew 7.14% yoy with low Current Account Savings Account (CASA) increasing by 11.18% yoy in 2021. The proportion of BRI’s loans continues to climb, where 83.86% of BRI’s total loan disbursements are channelled to the MSMEs.
BRI’s ability to disburse loans and financing is supported by adequate liquidity and strong capital that was recorded at 83.53%, with a CAR of 27.25%.
As the First Mover on Sustainable Finance in Indonesia, 65.5% of BRI’s total credit was channelled to sustainable business activities which grew by 12.2% yoy. Hence, BRI has the largest loan portfolio for sustainable businesses in Indonesia.
To support financial inclusion, BRI has empowered over 500,000 agents in Indonesia through AgenBRILink, which came to a great success with a transaction volume reaching Rp. 1,143.81 trillion in 2021.
“We will continue to bring growth to Indonesia. We are strongly committed to maintaining the integration of environmental, social and governance aspects in our practices,” Sunarso concluded.
Visit www.bri.co.id for more information about BANK BRI.
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