Now, here’s a super fruit to blast away the blues and blahs


Amla or the Indian gooseberry comes power-packed to flush out toxins, increase vitality, and nourish the brain

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is nothing short of a “super fruit”. Known for improving health at so many levels because of its high Vitamin C content, amla enhances food absorption, balances stomach acid, fortifies the liver, nourishes the brain and mental functioning, supports the heart, strengthens the lungs, regulates elimination of free radicals, enhances fertility, helps the urinary system, increases skin health, promotes healthier hair, acts as a body coolant, flushes out toxins, increases vitality, strengthens eyes, improves muscle tone and act as an antioxidant.



This fruit ripens in the autumn in wet, forested, hilly areas on the Indian subcontinent. In India it is considered a sacred tree. The fruit is very nourishing, but it tastes sour. Both dried and fresh fruits can be consumed for their health benefits. At Zapata, we have created Amalaki, an Ayurvedic liquid nutritional supplement made with a blend of ancient nutrients and botanicals as amla, tulsi, ginger, turmeric, haritaki, jujube and schizandra. It was specially designed to revitalise the body, enhance vitality and enjoy radiant health. Its main ingredient is the super fruit amla, an ingredient so powerful that it has been know for centuries as “The Great Rejuvenator”.

The amla fruit used in Amalaki is harvested from the foot hills of the Himalayan Mountains Range, where some say we can find the purest air, water and soil on the planet, which helps to produce a fruit with an incredible purity.



•  Hair care: It enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. It strengthens the roots of hair, maintains color, and improves luster.

•  Eye care: Improves eyesight, and studies have shown it to improve nearsightedness and cataracts, while reducing intra-ocular tension.

•  Calcium absorption: One of the less discussed benefits of Amla is how it helps the body absorb calcium in a positive way, which is an essential component of our bones, teeth, and nails.

•  Menstrual cramps: Some of the minerals and vitamins in Alma combine to make it very useful in the treatment of menstrual cramps.

•  Diabetes: Amla contains chromium, which has a therapeutic value for diabetic patients. It stimulates the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin, thereby reducing blood sugar in diabetic patients and keeping their body balanced and healthy.

•  Diuretic Activity: Besides being a fruit that is very high in water, Amla is also slightly diuretic in nature. This means that it increases the frequency and volume of urination which improves elimination of toxins.

•  Digestion: Amla is very high in fiber, like most fruits. Fiber adds bulk to the stool and helps food move through the bowels and keeps your bowel movements regular. This reduces the chances of constipation helping to protect you from various gastrointestinal disorders, even colorectal cancer.

•  Heart disease: Amla strengthens the heart muscles; therefore, the heart pumps blood smoothly throughout the body. By reducing excess cholesterol buildup, the chromium can reduce the chances of atherosclerosis, or plaque buildup in the vessels and arteries.

•  Infection: Due to its antibacterial and astringent attributes, Amla protects the body against infection and improves the body’s immune response. It is also a very good source of vitamin C, which is famous for its impressive antioxidant abilities and its stimulation of the immune system.

•  Diarrhea and dysentery: Due to its strong cooling and laxative properties, it is a useful component in remedies for diarrhea and dysentery. It provides great relief for gastric syndrome and hyperchlorhydria (burning sensation in the abdomen).

•  Anti-aging: Amla prevents health-related hyperlipidaemia by reducing the amount of free radicals in the body through its antioxidant qualities. Free radicals are associated with signs of aging like wrinkles and age spots.



Amla is widely used in traditional Indian medicine. According to Ayurveda, the fruit is sour and astringent in taste, with sweet, bitter and pungent secondary tastes. Its qualities are light and dry, the post-digestive effect is sweet and its energy is cooling.

According to Ayurveda, amla balances all three doshas. While amla is unusual in that it contains five out of the six tastes recognised by Ayurveda, it is most important to recognise the potency and post-digestive effects. Amla is particularly helpful in reducing pitta because of its cooling energy. It also balances both pitta and vata by virtue of its sweet taste. The kapha is balanced primarily due to its drying action. Besides all the uses previously mentioned, it has been used as a rejuvenative to promote longevity, reduce fever, purify the blood, reduce cough, alleviate asthma, enliven the body and enhance intellect.

Since Ayurveda was a great influence in the beginning of Chinese Medicine, Amla is used for traditional therapy, this fruit is called yuganzi, which is used to treat throat inflammation.

When it comes to Amalaki, many people who have tried it seem to have had positive results.

I’ve had a client who used to suffer from a critical case of constipation since childhood. She has been trying different kind of natural treatments with fruits and fibre and even though she had an improvement through many years it was never cured. After one month of constant use of Amalaki she experienced a positive change in her digestive function being able to relieve herself at ease.

Another regular client had been suffering from reflux and gastroenteritis for several months. She was put under a strong treatment with Omeprazole, which is also known for its collateral damage, but it was the only way she could ease the pain. By the moment she stared using Amalaki on a daily basis, she started to feel much better and found herself with a notable improvement of her quality of life.

From my personal experience, I’ve also been using Amalaki on a daily basis and I’ve felt an improvement in my vitality and my digestive function. Moreover, I’ve noticed a positive development of my immune system. I’ve had sore lip issues my whole life. Sometimes when traveling or even with weather changes or when my defences were low immediately I’ve had a sore lips outbreak. Since I started using Amalaki I haven’t had any episodes like this or common colds, not even a sight of it this winter.


The author is the founder of Zapata Org and can be reached on 0451 300 539 or Zapata is not just another organisation; it supports wellbeing and rehabilitation of many underprivileged youth in many parts of the world in association with the Helping Hands Foundation. You can also follow them on Instagram

Editor’s Note: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only; and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health program.

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